Congratulations to Poonam for being selected for a talk at the DNA Repair Midwest Conference, KY.
Congratulations to Poonam for being selected for a talk at the Center for Genome Integrity Retreat hosted by Washington University in St. Louis/Siteman Cancer Center.
Congratulations to Aparna for best graduate research award in the Department of Biology.
Poonam presented poster at the Cold Spring Harbor Conference.
Congratulations to Aparna for second best graduate student poster at the Sigma Xi Conference.
Congratulations to Kavya for receiving the second year national award for best undergraduate researcher by the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) and for presenting her research.
PI received the research scholarly award from SLU-CAS and OVPR.
We received the NIH-R01 Supplement award from NIGMS.
Megan, Riley, Sinthyia and Aparna presented posters at the Sigma Xi Conference.
Megan and Riley presented posters for the Undergraduate Biology Research day.
Congratulations to Riley for receiving the CAS Drahmann undergraduate research award.
Riley and Poonam presented posters at the RustBelt RNA Conference.
PI served on the NIH-MSFB and NIH-ZRG1-CDB grant panels.
We received the NIH-R01 Supplement award from NIGMS for purchase of IVIS Lumina.
Kavya and Yu-Fong presented posters for the Sigma Xi conference.
Congratulations to Kavya- she is one of the 15 national recipients of the Undergraduate Research Scholar AACR award and she presented a poster at the AACR annual national conference.
Poonam's first author manuscript was accepted into Nature Comm journal.
Jonah and Aparna's lead authors- manuscript was accepted into NAR journal.
Aparna's and Yu-Fong's SBDS-unnatural amino acid labeling published in Methods (Elsevier) Journal.
PI served as Chair of the Disease and Development Session at the RustBelt RNA Meeting in Ohio.
Poonam was invited to present a research talk at the Annual Bio-Retreat at SLU.
Aparnapresented a poster at the RustBelt RNA Meeting in Ohio.
PI served on NSF pre-proposal and full-proposal grant panels.
Aparna presented a poster at the national- CSHL-Translational meeting and local- SLU-IDBI conference.
We received NIH-R01 funding to study mechanism of eIF6 and 60S dynamics in translational control.
Poonam presented her poster at the Gordon Research Conference on mutagenesis.
Poonam was selected for a talk to present at the Centre for Genome Institute (WUSTL) Retreat.
Congratulations to Aparna and Stella for being selected for talks at the Sigma Xi Conference.
Congratulations to Peyton for receiving Keath Undergraduate Research departmental award.
Congratulations to Peyton for being selected to present at the National Collegiate Honors Council Meeting.
Congratulations to Peyton for his poster award at the Biology Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Congratulations to Peyton for his award for undergraduate talk at the Sigma Xi Conference.
Congratulations to Zephyr for being selected to present her work at the Honors Senior Legacy Symposium.
We received the President Research Fund.
PI received the Faculty Excellence Award.
Congratulations to Zephyr for the NCHC Creative writing award and for the Montesi Award at SLU.
Congratulations to Jonah for his acceptance into the MD/PHD program at University of Iowa.
Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation wrote a brief blog on our paper/study- (BLOG)
Congratulations to Courtney, Jonah and Daniela on their paper and our first publication in JBC!
We are back! Lab is functional again but with masks and staggered schedules.
The lab officially moved to Saint Louis university!
Arianna (Smith College) and Jacob (Bioengineering student at MU) - Summer Research Program Fellows presented their work as a talk and poster.
Jospeh and Sid (Franklin High School Student) presented posters for summer research day.
Congratulations to Ryan - selected for a talk at the Undergraduate Research Conference at Lutheran College, WI and for joining the MS program in Bioinformatics at Marquette.
Congratulations to Ryan for Best Undergraduate Research Award
Congratulations to Courtney- heading to PhD program at Washington University School of Medicine.
We obtained Markos Breast Cancer Women Leadership Grant from the WWHF foundation.
Courtney presented her poster at the Midwest Enzyme Chemistry Conference, Chicago.
We obtained NIH R15 funding.
Courtney presented her poster at the Cold Spring Harbor Translational Control (CSHL) Meeting.
Ryan and Lauren presented a poster at the Undergraduate Summer Research Poster session.
Jonah Elliff & Courtney attended annual AACR (American Association of Cancer Research) Conference.
Congratulations to Courtney who won best undergraduate researcher award in the Dept. of Biology.
We in collaboration with Antony lab (MU) and Volkman lab (MCW), received a Marq/MCW-MPI Pilot Grant.
Jonah Elliff presented a poster at the Undergraduate Research Day at Marquette University.
Courtney Jungers presented a poster at the Undergraduate Research Day at Marquette University
Wereceived a RRG and SFF Grant/Award from Marquette University.
Courtney Jungers (Summer Research Program Fellow) presented a poster and talk for the summer research program.