Publications > Kaushik V, Mattice J, Toerner R, Chadda R, Vayyeti A, Bothner B, Arthanari H, Origanti S and Antony E. mTORC2 phosphorylation of IMP1 and IMP3 drives mRNA recognition through differential configurational rearrangements of RNA-binding domains and disordered linkers (IN PREP), 2025
> Roshan P, Mistry A, Kaushik V, Luebbers R, Bothner B, Antony E and Origanti S, RPA phosphocode priming and regulation by Cdk1 signaling circuit, (under review) BioRxiV,2025
> Roshan P*, Biswas A*, Anagnos S, Luebbers R, Harish K, Ahmed S, Megan Li, Nguyen N, Tedeschi F, Zhou G, Hathuc V, Lin Z, Hamilton Z and Origanti S. Sequestration of ribosomal subunits as inactive 80S by targeting eIF6 limits mitotic exit and cancer progression. Nucleic Acids Research-NAR, dec 2024
> Chadda R, Kaushik V, Ahmad I, Deveryshetty J, Holehouse A, Sigurdsson ST, Bothner B, Dastvan R, Origanti S andAntony E, Wrapping of single-stranded DNA by Replication Protein A and modulation through phosphorylation, Nucleic Acids Research-NAR, 2024
> Roshan P*, Kuppa S*, Mattice J, Kaushik V, Chadda R, Tumala B, Pokhrel N, Bothner B, Antony E & Origanti S. An Aurora B-RPA signaling axis secures chromosome segregation fidelity. Nature Communications. 2023 May 25;14(1):3008.
> Biswas A*, Peng Y-F*, Kaushik V, and Origanti S. Site-specific labeling of SBDS to monitor interactions with the 60S ribosomal subunit. Methods (Non-canonical amino acids edition) Elsevier, 2023 Mar;211:68-72.
> Elliff J*, Biswas A*, Roshan P, Kappa S, Chadda R, Patterson A, Chinnaraj M, Burd R, Walker SE, Pozzi N, Bothner B, Antony E, and Origanti S.Dynamic states of eIF6 and SDS variants modulate interactions with uL14 of the 60S ribosomal subunit. Nucleic Acids Research-NAR, 2023,DOI:10.1093/nar/gkac1266. > Jungers CJ, Elliff JM, Masson-Meyers DS, Phiel CJ, Origanti S. Regulation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 6 dynamics through multisite phosphorylation by GSK3. Journal of Biological Chemistry, doi:10.1074/jbc.RA120.013324, 2020.
> Generation of fluorescent version of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RPA to study the conformational dynamics of its ssDNA-binding domains. Kuppa S., Pokhrel N., Corless E., Origanti S., and Antony E. Methods in Molecular Biology.2021;2281:151-168. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1290-3_9.PMID: 33847957
> Corless E, Syed MS, Watkins MB, Bacik JP, Mattice J, Patterson A, Danyal K, Soffe M, Kitelinger R, Seefeldt L, Origanti S, Bennett B, Bothner B, Ando N, and Antony E. The flexible N-terminus of BchL autoinhibits activity through interaction with its [4Fe-4S] cluster and relieved upon ATP binding. Journal of Biological Chemistry, doi:10.1074/jbc.RA120.016278, 2020.
> Pokhrel N, Origanti S, Davenport EP, Gandhi D, Kaniecki K, Mehl R, Greene EC, Dockendorff C, Antony E. Monitoring Replication Protein A (RPA) dynamics in homologous recombination through site-specific incorporation of non-canonical amino acids. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017 Sep 19;45(16):9413-9426. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx598.
> Davenport EP, Harris DF, Origanti S, Antony E. Rad51 Nucleoprotein Filament Disassembly Captured Using Fluorescent Plasmodium falciparum SSB as a Reporter for Single-Stranded DNA. PLoS One. 2016 Jul 14;11(7):e0159242.
> Nowotarski SL, Origanti S, Sass-Kuhn S, Shantz LM. Destabilization of the Ornithine Decarboxylase RNA by the RNA-binding protein Tristetraprolin. Amino Acids. 2016 Oct; 48(10): 2303-11.
> Sun L, Miyoshi H, Origanti S, Nice TJ, Barger AC, Manieri NA, Fogel LA, French AR, Piwnica-Worms D, Piwnica-Worms H, Virgin HW, Lenschow DJ, Stappenbeck TS. Type I interferons link viral infection to enhanced epithelial turnover and repair. Cell Host Microbe, 2015 Jan 14;17(1):85-97.
> Lytle AK, Origanti S, VonGermeten J, Antony E, Context dependent remodeling of Rad51-DNA complexes by Srs2 is mediated by a specific protein-protein interaction. J Mol Biol. 2014 May 1; 426 (9):1883-97 > Origanti S, Cai S, Munir A, White LM and Piwnica-Worms H. Synthetic lethality of Chk1 inhibition combined with p53 and/or p21 loss during replication stress in mice. Oncogene. 2013 Jan 31;32
> Origanti S, Nowotarski, SL, Carr TD, Kuhn SS, Xiao L, Wang JY, Shantz LM. ODC mRNA is stabilized in an mTORC1-dependent manner in Ras-transformed cells. Biochem. J. 2012 Feb 15; 442(1): 199-207.
> Lee G, Origanti S, White LS, Sun J, Stappenbeck T, Piwnica-Worms H, Differential response of intestinal stem cell niche to proliferation loss induced by CDC25 Disruption Versus DNA Damage, PLoS One, 2011 Jan 25;6(1): e15561
> Origanti S and Shantz LM. Ras transformation of RIE-1 cells activates cap-independent translation of ornithine decarboxylase: regulation by the Raf/MEK/ERK and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathways. Cancer Research. 2007 May 15; 67(10):4834-42.
> Feith D, Origanti S, Shoop PC, Kuhn SS, and Shantz LM. Antizyme inhibition of spontaneous skin tumorigenesis induced by MEK: Effects on tumor cell proliferation and Apoptosis. Carcinogenesis. 2006 May, 27:1090-8
> Ionescu CN, Origanti S, McAlear MA. The yeast rRNA biosynthesis factor Ebp2p is also required for efficient nuclear division. Yeast. 2004 Oct 30;21(14):1219-32.