Outreach Long-Term Commitment to Engage Next Generation of Diverse Scientists
iSCORE-SLU 2024 (weekend workshop) - Introduced middle school students from inner St. Louis city to the scientific research process and engaged them in a fun research activity to measure vitamin C levels and to understand the effects of DNA damage and DNA repair.
STEAM-TRIO-SLU 2022 and 2023 - Introduced first-generation minority TRIO-high school and middle school students from inner St. Louis city to the scientific research process and engaged them in a fun research acitivity.
Summer 2021-STARS program UMSL-SLU (High School Students and Teachers as Research Scientists). Soham Saraf and Angelina Spencer (STARS program) and another high school student (Kanthi) from Oregon joined us for a 6-week fun and rigorous remote research training in protein modeling. 2018-2019: Milwaukee SMART Team Mentoring for High School Students to develop 3D-printed models of our protein (GRAFTON HIGH SCHOOL), at MSOE- Miwlaukee School of Engineering, Centre for Biomolecular Modeling.
2017-2018: Milwaukee SMART Team Mentoring for High School Students to develop 3D-printed models of our protein (CUDAHY HIGH SCHOOL), at MSOE- Miwlaukee School of Engineering, Centre for Biomolecular Modeling.
Cudahy High School Students (Milwaukee) Lab Visit: Students discussed research with Daniella and Jonah Elliff (left), cell culture techniques with Courtney Jungers (middle) and presented the 3D-model that they designed with Dr. Origanti (right):
Art with Science, 2016- M-Steam Program (Upward Bound Students) Marquette University
M-STEAM is a science outreach program initiated and coordinated by Dr. Sofia Origanti and Dr. Edwin Antony from the Department of Biological Sciences at Marquette University in collaboration with Ms. Lynne Shumow of the Haggerty Museum of Art and the Upward Bound Program that prepares low income and first generation high school students to enter into college (http://www.marquette.edu/eop/upwardbound.shtml).
March for Science Marquette Biology, 2017
Biotechnology Summer Academy (High School Students), 2014 Utah State University Katelin (North Sanpete High School, Mt. Pleasant, UT) Isaac (Academy for Math, Engineering and Science, Salt Lake, UT)